Sybase Inc is offering ObjectConnect for C++ and ObjectConnect for OLE, Object Linking & Embedding gateways to provide read and write access to data stored in its database from C++ and Object Linking & Embedding object-oriented applications. ObjectConnect is a standard implementation of Persistence Software Inc’s object-to-relational mapping and code generation technology. Persistence promises a new version of its software, which implements Object Database Management Group C++ access application programming interfaces in the third quarter. It also plans to support the Java JDBC, though a mooted Smalltalk version has been left on the cutting room floor. A Sybase-centric version is under way which the company says will make its key data cacheing technique look like Sybase’s cacheing mechanism. Indeed Persistence claims the data cacheing technology will lead it into the emerging transaction application server market ahead of rivals and will be the leaping off point for an eventual flotation. The company says that it is not looking for a buyer, claiming to have rejected bids from four suitors last year, and three already this year. The company also has other Web and Internet enhancements in hand. Both ObjectConnect products – the Object Linking & Embedding version is Sybase’s own work – include an Object Builder, which maps relational data to object classes during the development process, and an Object Service run-time environment enabling the applications to run once deployed. The objects are compiled and linked into a C++ application or accessed via an Object Linking & Embedding Automation Server that is provided in ObjectConnect for Object Linking & Embedding. ObjectConnect for C++ will cost $8,000 for Unix developers, $6,000 for Windows, and $10,000 for the server under HP-UX, AIX and Solaris Unixes and Windows NT. ObjectConnect for Object Linking & Embedding is due in the third quarter priced from $2,500 for Windows developers – $1,500 for server access.