Sybase launches SQL Anywhere 12 database and synchronisation offerings, which the company says is optimised for mission-critical database applications running outside traditional data center environments requiring little or no onsite IT support.

The company said that the newest version of SQL Anywhere provides new enhancements including support for storage and synchronisation of spatial data, iPhone devices, and large-scale synchronisation environments; and new self-management features.

According to Sybase, SQL Anywhere 12, core component of the Sybase Mobility Platform is the framework of mobility servers, mobile applications and mobile services to empower enterprises to transform the way they connect to their customers and enable their employees.

The new features and enhancements of SQL Anywhere 12 include spatial Support to enable tracking, location aware querying, data management and synchronisation of spatial data; support for OGC and SQLMM standards for spatial data types and APIs, native import for shape files and built in functions to export to KML, GML and SVG formats.

In addition, scale-out support to allow high transaction volume database servers to offload read-only and reporting transactions to a self-managing tree of scale-out servers; Mobility tools to effectively manage, monitor, diagnose and deploy large scale sync environments on various device platforms.

The company said that the self-management innovations include server thread auto-tuning that automatically adapts to changing workloads, self-healing statistics management and synchronization dynamic cache sizing for environments where resources are changing in real-time and DBA intervention is not readily available.

Developer productivity enhancements including new Oracle/MySQL compatibility; support for .NET 4.0 and Visual Studio 2010; and enhanced full-text search filtering capabilities, the company said.

Dave Neudoerffer, vice-president of engineering at Sybase, said: "SQL Anywhere 12 is a culmination of research and development that serves existing customers while addressing emerging requirements for embedded database server and mobile applications.

"This SQL Anywhere release breaks new ground with innovations for growing data volume, diverse data types and new device platforms to further enhance Sybase’s leading mobility platform."

The company said that SQL Anywhere 12 will be available in Q3 of 2010.