Finnish computer manufacturer Nokia Data and computer consultant Programmator AB have formed a joint venture to do versions of and promote Unix administration and management applications on IBM’s RS/6000 and other Unix machines. Known as Guda, and claimed to be the most popular Unix management software in the Nordic countries, the package was developed by Ericsson Information Systems prior to its acquisition by Nokia Data. Guda was initially ported to Nokia’s Intel and Sparc-based Alfaskop systems, and the new venture will move it on to the RS/6000, then other Unix systems, Ulf Lundal, manager of Nokia Sweden says. The venture is Programmator’s first move into the Unix market, Programmator’s Anders Skarin admits, but Guda is also being used as the consultant’s development environment for other customised Unix management systems. The aim is to internationalise Guda – English, German and Nordic language versions are already available.