A new report from market researchers, Dataquest Inc, reveals Adobe Systems Inc as market leader in the burgeoning consumer digital photo editing tool market. The company’s PhotoDeluxe 2.0 (CI No 3,223) application was the top selling program of its type, in a market that grew by 239% in 1997. The report is a fillip for Adobe after poor first quarter results (CI No 3,337) precipitated by the increasingly fierce competition the company faces in the ‘creative professional’ markets such as web content authoring and desk top publishing and the decline of its traditional software platform, the Apple Macintosh. However, there are no such declines foreseen by Dataquest in the consumer digital photo editing market, which is expected to grow strongly over the next three years. Naturally, the consumer photo editing market enjoys a symbiotic relationship with the digital camera market, an area Lyra Research Inc expects to market to realize $4bn growth into 2001.