For the first time in Japan, Suri Giken Co displayed the Streams products from Mentat Inc, Los Angeles, with which Suri has just concluded a licensing agreement. Streams is an independent implementation of the System V Streams product, and provides a common system for communications protocols. In a non-System V.4 kernel, the original TLI, XTI and Socket lib are replaced by Mentat TLI, XTI and Socket lib, on which runs the Mentat MPS, and under than the Mentat TCP/IP module, XTP module and XNS module, and other protocols. In the US Mentat numbers among its customers IBM, DEC, Hewlett-Packard, and the Open Software Foundation – Streams is incorporated in OSF/1. For example, in HP-UX, use of Mentat MPS provides a common environment for use of protocols such as TCP/IP, AppleTalk and X25. Xerox Corp is Mentat’s largest customer, having commissioned and using the Mentat XNS module. In Japan Suri Giken will be seeking to make OEM sales to workstation vendors and board vendors, particularly those manufacturers of embedded systems. One customer has already been signed but that product is still under development and no announcement has been made as yet.