The software doesn’t yet have a name. SurfControl is calling it Project Blackbeard, and said it will support all the big three IM networks – MSN, AIM and Yahoo – and major consumer P2P networks such as Kazaa and Morpheus.

L7, installed at the network gateway, allows companies to figure out dynamically who is using IM and P2P software and associate their user names with their LDAP identities in the corporate directory.

Administrators can then block or enable users or user groups depending on company policy, allowing them to standardize on one IM system or block them all. It seems SurfControl’s Blackbeard will incorporate all this functionality.

Akonix will also provide its protocol definition updates service – which future-proofs the software by keeping it compliant with the newest P2P protocols and workarounds. SurfControl said its forthcoming release will complement its web and email filterware.

Source: Computerwire