This powerful combination of two market-leading technologies enables multiple service operators (MSO) and broadband Internet service providers to deliver managed services for home Internet security including firewall protection and family URL filtering. Safe@Home’s unique residential gateway approach enables protection for multiple computers and other Internet devices in the home from a single delivery platform. This residential gateway approach is also ideal for protecting the URL filtering software itself from potential tampering or attempts to disable the functionality.

URL or ‘family’ filtering is a critical component of a comprehensive consumer security solution for the home, said Sheila Aharoni, director of business development, SofaWare Technologies. By integrating SurfControl’s industry-leading filtering technology into Safe@Home, it is now extremely easy for an MSO or service provider to deliver essential home Internet security solutions to their customers.

As a market leader, safeguarding the Internet is our business. SurfControl’s partnership with SofaWare will help to provide a more friendly online experience for families, said Steve Purdham, SurfControl CEO. With broadband connections expected to be nearly 45 million by 2004 according to IDC, broadband service providers will be looking to SofaWare and SurfControl to help them provide added benefits and gain the competitive advantage, continued Purdham.

SofaWare’s Safe@Home is based on Check Point’s market-leading FireWall-1(R) Internet security solution and leverages Check Point’s OPSEC (Open Platform for Security) interface for URL filtering through its OPSEC APIs. Safe@Home’s firewall capabilities are available out-of-the-box with a seamless upgrade path to more comprehensive security and access management solutions, including a version managed remotely by an MSO or broadband service provider. This greatly simplifies installation, configuration and maintenance, as well as supporting value-added security services, such as security policy updates and SurfControl’s URL family filtering.