Superfast broadband has now been extended into more rural areas across the UK as part of the government’s ‘Super Switch on Day’.

‘Switching on’ the broadband cabinets in areas across the nation has offered further 5,000 homes and businesses in rural areas across Wiltshire & South Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Kent & Medway, Cheshire, the Cotswolds and Shropshire access to superfast broadband network.

The Superfast broadband rollout, which now surpasses 200,000, allows consumers to perform multiple things simultaneously online, such as downloading music, movies; posting photos and videos to social networks; and enabling video conferencing.

UK Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Maria Miller said that the latest move allows witnessing an incredible transformation of superfast broadband in Britain, and keeps Britain well ahead of other major European countries in many respects.

"We’re determined to ensure that everyone benefits and that broadband is available in the very hardest to reach areas of Britain, making a real difference to people who live in these communities," Miller said.

"Today’s "switch on" of cabinets across the country takes us yet another step closer to fulfilling our promise of giving superfast speeds to 95% of Britain by 2017."

About 10,000 premises per week have already been gaining access to superfast broadband, while the number is anticipated to reach 25,000 per week in spring 2014, further accelerating up to 40,000 per week by next summer.

By 2017, the UK Government is aiming to deliver superfast broadband to 95% of the Britain via a transformative infrastructure project.

UK Environment Secretary Owen Paterson said the roll-out of superfast broadband has the potential to transform rural areas, bridging the age-old gap between rural and urban.

"It will allow businesses to grow and expand and communities to access services in a way that they’ve not been able to before," Paterson said.