The co-operative R&D agreement (CRADA) between Superconductor Technologies (STI) and Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) includes a statement of work and scope for both parties and is for a term of five years.

According to STI, this CRADA offers both parties an opportunity to share knowledge, personnel and facilities when conducting mutually beneficial R&D. As part of the agreement, STI and LANL are expected to provide scientific, engineering, and operational expertise as needed. Both will also provide material and equipment to develop technology intended to commercialize high-performance, low-cost HTS coated conductors.

Jeff Quiram, president and CEO of STI, said: This CRADA with LANL is an important milestone in our collaboration to jointly develop technology intended to commercialize high-performance, low-cost HTS coated conductors. STI’s proprietary deposition techniques may offer an accelerated route to cost-effective improvements in second generation HTS cable production, providing answers to both the technical challenges and reduced costs needed to accelerate the commercial deployment for HTS cable.