Using Sunrise Clinical Manager’s single integrated clinical platform, SUNY Downstate Medical Center/University Hospital of Brooklyn (UHB) will connect its acute and ambulatory care providers, enabling patient information to flow seamlessly between the acute and ambulatory care environments while integrating with the pharmacy to improve medication management.

The medical center will also use Sunrise Clinical Manager’s Knowledge-Based computerized physician order entry system to establish standard care processes throughout the medical center to help improve patient care outcomes.

Sunrise Clinical Manager, and its integrated modules Sunrise Pharmacy and Knowledge-Based Medication Administration, are expected to help SUNY Downstate streamline the medication management process to help improve productivity and efficiency.

Knowledge-Based Medication Administration will assist SUNY Downstate Medical Center’s nurses with validation of the five rights (right patient, right medication, right dose, right route, and right time) of medication administration via bar code scanning at the bedside to enhance patient safety.

SUNY Downstate/UHB will use Sunrise Ambulatory Care to help improve the patient experience in its outpatient clinics by providing clinicians with a single patient-centered electronic medical record. SUNY Downstate’s clinicians will now have a comprehensive overview of patient data, including both inpatient and outpatient orders, results, documentation, medications and allergies in a single view to easily see the full patient picture and make efficient, informed decisions.