At the UK Solaris Developers Conference, Janpieter Scheerder denied the persistent rumours that SunSoft Inc has been talking with the Santa Cruz Operation Inc with a view to acquisition of the Santa Cruz, California company, although the two have held regular meetings as we do with everybody. He said that Solaris did not compete directly with Santa Cruz Operation’s Unix, and at the high-end SunSoft has far outsold them. Scheerder claims that Santa Cruz Operation’s product line competes more directly with SunSoft’s Interactive Unix product, which is aimed mostly at developers and the character-based multi-user market, and is run mostly on iAPX-86-based systems. Interactive Unix continues to use Unix V.3 source code, and Sun Microsystems Inc has no plans to merge it with the System V.4 Solaris code base although Scheerder promised Interactive users that SunSoft would not leave them behind.