With Taligent Inc and IBM Corp preparing an announcement at Object Expo this week, the latest news on the progress of SunSoft Inc’s Distributed Objects Everywhere suggests that object honcho Bud Tribble could end up forking out for dinner for Taligent chief Joe Gugliemi (CI No 2,575). SunSoft has set its sights on an October date to deliver a set of Common Object Request Broker Architecture-compliant services – including integration with the Iona Technologies Ltd object request broker – now in beta test, on top of Solaris. It is calling this part the Prelude. The full-blown OpenStep implementation of NeXTstep on top of these services and Solaris to create Distributed Objects Everywhere is called Crescendo, and will go to beta test in the fourth quarter. That almost certainly pushes the general availability date out until at least the first quarter of next year – and beyond the end of the year marker that Tribble had envisaged. To follow the initial Crescendo release, which is still anchored in NeXTstep’s Object C, will be a language-independent version coming wrapped in Interface Definition Language.