SunSoft Inc has released a clutch of Internet communications and messaging products aimed squarely at its growing telecommunications market. Products include Solstice PPP 3.01 enabling Solaris to act as an Internet router, Frame Relay 2.0 for interconnecting remote local network’s across a wide area network, Solstice X.400 for electronic data exchange, Solstice X.500 Directory Products for distributed storage of data objects and CMIP Common Management Information Protocol 8.2 for development and deployment of Telecommunications Management Network applications. Common Management Information Protocol supports TCP/IP and comes Internet-ready, says SunSoft. It is dished up as two versions, CMIP Standard Development Environment, including X/Open’s XMP/XOM application programming interfaces for developing management applications in the Open System Interconnection and a runtime Solaris RT for low cost deployment of applications, using Common Management Information Protocol Standard Development Environment. Solstice PPP goes for $1,000, Frame Relay is $1,300, X.400 and X.500 for Sparc and Solaris x86 prices are $4,000. CMIP SDE costs $5,000, CMIP RT is $2,000.