The new version is said to integrate with the company’s Laboratory Information System and includes new features and technology enhancements designed to automate processes and increase workflow efficiency for pathology departments at hospitals and laboratories.

According to the company, the Sunquest CoPathPlus v4.0 provides the capability to seamlessly integrate with the mTuitive xPert for pathology software to enable structured data capture and synoptic reporting.

David Allcock, vice president of sales for Sunquest Information Systems, said: Now that Sunquest CoPathPlus is fully developed, supported, and maintained by Sunquest, many of our customers are upgrading to the new 4.0 version. Its customer-driven feature enhancements and tight integration with our LIS enable powerful automation and workflow efficiencies that benefit their organizations.

We regard anatomic pathology as a strategically important technology for our future in developing solutions for molecular diagnostics, digital pathology, and predictive medicine.