By January 1998, Sun Microsystems Inc will have moved the entire corporation to intranets of network computers, or zero- administration clients, as Sun president Scott McNealy calls them. McNealy, speaking at this week’s European Oracle Users conference in Amsterdam said there is likely to be around 33,000 nodes and the project has been fully costed, but he would not reveal the figures for others to chew over. He also asserted that Sun would be at least a $10,000m-a-year company by then. Last year revenues stood at $5,902m and in the first nine months of the current fiscal, revenues were $5,077m. It would also mean a doubling of the headcount in the period, as Sun currently has around 16,000 employees. McNealy also revealed that the company currently has a 300MHz UltraSparc II system under Solaris 2.5 running in the laboratory.