Meanwhile Sun Microsystems Computer Corp yesterday rushed out new 85MHz models in its Sparcstation 5 family only two months after the original machines were introduced – and when the 85MHz version of the microSparc II was only sampling. The new models are a response to unexpected demand for high-end models. It added an 85MHz system with a 17 colour monitor, TurboGX graphics, 32Mb memory and 1.05Gb disk for $9,600; a 70MHz system with 20 colour monitor, TurboGX graphics, 32Mb memory and 535Mb disk for $9,545; an 85MHz system with 17 colour monitor, TurboGXplus graphics, 32Mb of memory and a 1.05Gb disk for $11,600; and a 70MHz system with 20 colour monitor, TurboGXplus, 32Mb and 535Mb for $11,545.