As reported (CI 2880), Sun Microsystems Inc yesterday came out with its line of hardware, software, tools and services for developing, deploying and managing corporate Intranets, which it believes is where the real money is, and will drive adoption of the Internet as a business tool. At the client end, Java WorkShop 1.0 is a Java development environment, written in Java, and aimed at professional developers to design, test and deploy Java applications. In beta test now, and available over the Web next month, it supports Solaris, Windows95 and NT and costs $300. Internet WorkShop is a client-server development environment comprising Java WorkShop, Visual WorkShop for C++ and NEO development tools and will be out around August; no price yet. And Joe – the name comes from American slang for coffee – is an addition to Java that connects NEO-based applications on the server with Java applications via Common Object Request Broker Architecture. It is also written in Java and a beta release will be downloadable in June. The hardware is a new UltraSparc-based Netra i server that Sun claims is its most secure Intranet server, able to handle around 15m to 18m hits a day. It will be out in June. Solstice Internet Mail is a combination of a mail server component and client support for Solaris, Windows95 and NT, so users can access their mail from anywhere that supports the Internet Message Access Protocol 4 standard. The server will cost $1,000 and is out in June. Clients will be free. SunScreen SPF-100G is an intranet security system that can be deployed across the network, and Solstice Firewall-1 2.0 is the latest TCP/IP firewall, $5,000 up. SunIntegration Internet Practice is a suite of consulting and integration services.