Sun Microsystems Inc is now saying that $16,400 will buy a 143MHz UltraSparc Netra i 1/140 Internet server with 64Mb RAM, 2Gb disk, floppy drive, CD-ROM drive, 17 screen and TurboGXgraphics, plus pre-installed Solaris 2.5, Solstice FireWall First, Netscape Enterprise Server, LiveWire site management, Navigator Gold, Java developer kit, graphical installation and administration tools, TCP/IP and IPX gateway, POP2/POP3 server, IMAP4 server, SMTP Sendmail v8, Telnet, File Transfer Protocol, anonymous File Transfer Protocol server, asynchronous Point-to-Point Protocol, and DNS server. $21,150 buys the equivalent Netra i 150 with 64Mb memory, 4Gb disk and software. The Netra i 1/170 is $24,400 with 64Mb memory, 2Gb disk, 17 screen, Creator graphics and software. The 110MHz microSparc II-based Netra i 4 with 32Mb memory, 1Gb disk and software costs $7,500 – the Netra i 5, which has a CD- ROM, 17 screen and TurboGX graphics is $10,800.