Sun Microsystems Inc is set to announce today (Monday) that samples of the 400MHz version of its UltraSparc II RISC chip are now available, and that it plans a 450MHz version, which will be available in the Spring of 1999 (as we anticipated – CI No 3,526). Both chips use Texas Instruments Inc’s 0.25 micron process technology. Sun says the UltraSparc II family now spans a performance range from 250MHz to 450MHz, with the 450MHz part, including 4Mb Level 2 cache, estimated to deliver a SPECint95 rating of 19.6, and a SPECfp rating of 27.1. The 400MHz part with 4Mb Level 2 cache will cost $4,249 in quantities of 1,000 once it becomes generally available. Sun’s latest processor roadmap takes the UltraSparc architecture up to 1.5GHz. Sun also said that 360MHz samples of its UltraSparc IIi for network intensive embedded systems and entry-level workstations were also now available. Prices will be $1,400 per 1,000 when volumes become available in December. Sun promises that the IIi family will be running at 480MHz by the end of 1999.
