In the first month and a half of delivering its high-end SparcCenter 2000s, Sun Microsystems Inc shipped 130 systems to paying customers: the firm has reportedly come up with a new 50MHz MPU module for its high-end SparcCenter 2000 that adds 2Mb external caches and improves database throughput by 20% to 40%. In the US, the owner of the cellular phone pays for the call regardless of who originated it, which may be all right if it’s your mother calling, but damn’ infuriating if it’s some cold-caller trying to sell you insurance: now McCaw Cellular Communications Inc is to test-market a new customer calling feature known as Calling Party Pays in the southwest Idaho Cellular One markets; under the plan, Cellular One customers get the option of having cellular airtime on incoming calls billed to the calling party; a recorded prompt requiring the calling party to dial 1 alerts the caller of billing responsibility.