MySQL Enterprise subscribers now have access to Sun’s new MySQL Query Analyzer tool for monitoring query performance to pinpoint and correct problem SQL.

Marten Mickos, senior vice president of Database Group at Sun Microsystems, said: The new MySQL Query Analyzer is a turbo boost for MySQL applications. It allows DBAs and developers to identify, within minutes, database queries that could be run faster and more efficiently. They can then pro-actively tune their code before it causes any slowdown that could negatively impact their business.

Keith Souhrada, software development engineer for Big Fish Games, said: With the MySQL Query Analyzer, we were able to identify and analyze problematic SQL code, and triple our database performance. More importantly, we were able to accomplish this in three days, rather than taking weeks.

Sun, which claims 65,000 downloads of MySQL open source database each day, has said that the MySQL Query Analyzer provides aggregated view into query execution counts, run time, and result sets across all MySQL servers with no dependence on MySQL logs. It provides sortable views by all monitored statistics; searchable and sortable queries by query type, content, server, database, date/time and interval range.

The Query Analyzer tool is integrated into the MySQL Enterprise Monitor, a key component of Sun’s MySQL Enterprise subscription offering.