Over the past three years, Aetna has developed a successful talent and performance management program that ties individual employee scorecards back to the company’s business strategies.

As the program has grown Aetna as been moving toward a more multi-functional initiative that integrates talent management with learning to help individuals improve their scorecards and drive greater business results for the company. With this in mind, Aetna will now use the SumTotal Enterprise Suite.

According to Deborah Kelly, head of learning services for Aetna, the company chose the SumTotal Suite to replace the company’s previous legacy system because SumTotal provided greater scalability and adaptability, and more readily integrated with Aetna’s other ERP applications.

Aetna’s goal in combining its talent management and learning initiatives is to integrate a number of processes into a single program that encompasses skills and competencies development, staffing, succession planning, internal and external job movement, project and staff assignments, promotions and bench assessments, among other human capital management processes, tying all of them back to the company’s business strategy.

Aetna plans to gauge the success of its enhanced talent management initiative in the short term by measuring increases in adoption rates and system usage among employees compared with usage of its previous legacy system.

Longer term, the company plans to measure the program’s success based on its ability to retain top talent, to increase its bench strength (measured by internal movement of talent and decreased staffing costs), and its increased ability to link training data directly back to specific business results.