SMBs are increasingly adopting mobile and social platforms, according to a survey.

The study by BIA/Kelsey found that 40% of SMBs now accept payments from credit card readers attached to smartphones and tablets.

Another 16% are planning to add the capability within the next 12 months.

The survery of 568 SMBs, conducted in July, also found that about 32% are using some form of mobile advertising to promote their businesses, up from 28% in 2012.

Of those, 72% use social media to promote their businesses and 52% have a Facebook page, while 25% have a Google+ Local page.

BIA/Kelsey director of research Steve Marshall said: "A closer look at the data shows adoption of mobile and social varies across SMB industry sectors.

"The data reveals professional and home and trade services are embracing mobile in a big way, with service providers essentially becoming walking point of sale terminals," Marshall said.

"With the heavy use of social media, SMB marketing is quickly becoming a two-way engagement rather than a one-way promotion."