SAP CRM customers will have access to integrated email and campaign management tools following the announcement of a strategic relationship with StrongMail.

By integrating StrongMail’s Message Studio email marketing tool into the SAP CRM suite, customers will be able to take advantage of enterprise-grade email marketing capabilities previously only available as an add-on product.

“CRM systems all have home-grown email systems, but they have very lightweight functionality. When you’re sending out email campaigns – and retailers can send vast numbers – what these companies tend to do is shut off that piece of functionality and find a third-party solution. But this is an increased cost and it’s not a very elegant way of doing it,” said StrongMail ceo Sam Cece.

With StrongMail onboard, marketers can easily identify the most influential and profitable customers in their CRM database to target their email campaigns. They can choose from web analytics data, buying patterns or other behaviours to trigger these campaigns. Message Studio also enables them to measure the ROI of individual campaigns and conversion rates.