Linux is starting to make its mark in unexpected areas, and Raleigh, North Carolina-based, Streamserve Inc has ported its ERP output formatting system to the operating system. The system allows users to customize and reformat high volumes of printed data, such as reports and invoices from ERP systems, and reformat them into PDF, HTML, email or XML form. The system already runs on most flavors of Unix and NT. UK managing director Roger Lawson said that the firm’s move to Linux was prompted by customer demand. The software connects to SAP, Baan, Intentia and QAD ERP systems.

Lawson said that despite the general downturn in the ERP market, the market for Streamserve’s product was still growing. In our case, we’re selling to the installed base, Lawson commented. Streamserve, which was formerly know as Docuserve, has been bolstered by US venture capital funding and according to Lawson is attempting aggressive expansion. The firm has also recently opened a UK office. Lawson says that the company is making money and experiencing 100% growth with an IPO expected in two years.