The two men interrupted the game between the Australian Wallabies and the New Zealand All Blacks until they were rounded up by security. According to Vodafone Australia MD Grahame Maher, the mobile operator was unwittingly responsible for the outburst.

Mr Maher says that a gentleman who called himself Brett had called him previously to ask if the company would back a publicity stunt. Mr Maher, prone to the odd stunt himself, agreed to this without knowing about Brett’s plans in any detail. Mr Maher told the press that he had no idea Brett was going to do anything illegal, and apologized for his error.

So far, action has only been taken against the two streakers, one of whom was charged with indecent exposure and the other issued with an infringement notice. It is not yet clear whether action will be taken against the network operator. The Australia Rugby Union has accepted Vodafone’s apology and is unlikely to take the matter further.