Stratus Computer Inc, Marlborough, Massachusetts has added seven Intel Corp 80860XP RISC-based XA/R-S fault-tolerant servers running the Stratus FTX fault-tolerant Unix operating system; they replace five existing XA/R models configured with FTX, and extend the family by two new models. Still available within the original XA/R product family are the five low-end and mid-range models configured with the prorpietary VOS, and five high-end systems that can be configured with either FTX or VOS. The XA/R-S systems include, at the low end, the XA/R Model 5-S, Model 10-S and 15-S; and the mid-range, XA/R 25-S, 35-S, 45-S and 55-S. The XA/R-S Systems provide up to twice the memory and disk capacity and twice the input-ouput of previous XA/R Series systems by adding two new board slots. The low-end entry price is cut to $69,000, the mid-range entry price to $147,000 for up to 50% better price-performance. Four physical 80860XP microcessors are used to create one logical fault-tolerant CPU. The 10-S and 35-S incorporate duplex 48MHz 80860XP microprocessors. The 15-S and 45-S use a symmetric multiprocessing design with two logical 48MHz 80860XPs on one board. The 55-S has four logical 48MHz processors on two boards. The low-end models support up to 256Mb of duplex main memory and 26Gb of duplex disk. The mid-range take double.Stratus also introduced its fault-tolerant implementation of System Network Architecture – licensed from IBM Corp – and XCOM file transfer software under the FTX Unix.