StrataCom Inc, San Jose, California has come out with StrataSphere, a scalable network management architecture to manage wide area Asynchronous Transfer Mode networks. The suite of StrataSphere products comprises BILLder, Connection Manager, Modeller and Optimizer, which are designed to automate network management processes such as billing, statistics collection, network modelling and network optimisation respectively. All work under StrataView Plus, the company’s network management system. The family is available now, except for Connection Manager, which will ship next quarter, under HP OpenView with a version for IBM’s NetView for AIX due later this year. Modeller lists for $15,000, Optimizer and Connection Manager start at $5,000, and BILLder’s pricing will depend on the network size and billing format. StrataView Plus is priced at $12,000 and $22,000, depending on network size.