San Jose, California-based StrataCom Inc has announced a strategic development agreement with NetEdge Systems Inc, aimed at the market for transparent local area network interconnect services. The initial results of the agreement will see StrataCom reselling Research Triangle Park, North Carolina-based NetEdge’s ATM Connect Edge Router under the name EdgeConnect. The product is designed to provide local area network interconnection over the wide area using Asynchronous Transfer Mode and will be integrated with StrataCom’s StrataView Plus network management system to enable carriers to provide single point management of local network interconnect services, say the companies. Further down the line, the duo is planning to provide Asynchronous Transfer Mode switched virtual circuit interoperability, based on ATM Forum standards, and Frame Relay to Asynchronous Mode interoperability via the EdgeConnect and StrataCom’s BPX wide area Asynchronous Mode switch. EdgeConnect is shipping now from StrataCom, priced at from $25,000 to $60,000, depending on the configuration.