The San Jose, California-based Frame Relay pioneer StrataCom Inc has announced a new software release for its BPX Asynchronous Transfer Mode switches, claiming among other things that it is the first company to offer support for switched virtual circuits across the wide area. However, the firm is far from being first into the market with such a capability, because General DataComm Industries Inc has had full support for switched virtual circuits on its Apex product line since last September; Northern Telecom Ltd implemented it back in June on its Magellan Vector product; and Cascade Communications Corp’s new 500 switch also features switched virtual circuits, and is in beta test now with volume shipments due by the end of this quarter, where StrataCom has yet to start beta tests of its new release. StrataCom says that its switched virtual circuits will support Asynchronous Mode user-to-network interfaces ranging from T1/E1 – 1.544Mbps and 2.0Mbps and T3/E3, 45Mbps and 34Mbps, up to OC-3/STM-1, 155Mbps. Support for both UNI 3.0 and 3.1 is claimed, with translation between the two, while the company is also planning support for Asynchronous Mode switched virtual circuit signalling for ATM Frame UNI and ATM Inverse Multiplexed interfaces this quarter. StrataCom is also to support the Interim Inter-Switch Signalling Protocol for interoperability with other vendors’ Asynchronous Mode switches, and the Interim Local Management Interface protocol for Asynchronous Mode connection management. StrataCom is also adding new security features to its software, including address screening of both source and destination by port through a list of authorised or unauthorised addresses. Additionally, StrataCom has committed itself to the implemention of Asynchronous Mode security features currently under development by the ATM Forum’s Security Working Group.