Storage Technology Ltd’s OEM deal with Dell Computer Corp, announced as part of Dell’s expansion of its data storage product line earlier this week (CI No3,553) is the first NT deal for the Lousville, Colorado-based company likely to result in significant volumes. Dell will take StorageTek’s 9730 tape library and resell it worldwide as the PowerVault 130T, for back-up, access and restore applications. It is Dell’s first entry into tape automation. Storagetek has other deals for NT, but they are mostly with vendors who have come from the Unix world, such as Groupe Bull, Hewlett-Packard Co, NCR Corp and Sequent Computer Systems Ltd. StorageTek also signed a worldwide reseller agreement with Silicon Graphics Inc last week. The company recently got its high-availabilty RAID disk array, the OpenStorage 9153, certified by Microsoft to run with Windows NT as both a SCSI device and in clustered configurations.