Storage Technology Corp has been working with Computer Associates International Inc on a fault-tolerant backup and recovery system for Windows NT, and will show the product for the first time at the CA World show in New Orleans next week. The product combines StorageTek’s 9730 tape libraries with CA’s ARCserve and Unicenter TNG’s advanced storage option for RAID support. The two claim the combination will provide fault tolerance across tape media, tape drives and library components, and increases scalable library capacity from 54 to 240 cartridges, while increasing throughput by using concurrent streaming of data across all tape drives. StorageTek says the product, which uses three of its 9730 libraries, is the first example of a RAIL – redundant array of independent libraries – system. It will be available in the third quarter of the year and sold through StorageTek’s indirect sales channel. Pricing will be announced with availability.