StorageASP will deploy Sun(TM) hardware and software including Sun Enterprise(TM) servers, Sun StorEdge(TM) T3 enterprise arrays and Sun StorEdge software providing efficient data management for its storage area networks (SAN) based Storage Data Protection Services. The announcement reinforces Sun Microsystems’ continued momentum in the storage systems marketplace. International Data Corporation has identified Sun Network Storage as No. 1 in terabytes shipped of worldwide UNIX disk storage in 2000.

StorageASP is very cognizant of the strong relations that we need to maintain with best-of-breed technology providers, said Jae Chong, Chief Technology Officer at StorageASP. Sun’s experience in providing open, scalable network storage products including easily managed, continuously available SAN solutions fits well with our goal to be a leader in the outsourced data protection field.

The outsourced storage market is predicted to grow rapidly over the next 3 years. StorageASP is building out its Fibre-Channel based Storage Area Network (SAN) infrastructures within Data Centers in high-growth metropolitan regions throughout North America.

To address the demand for secure, flexible, scalable solutions, StorageASP has developed key relationships on two fronts. Internet Data Centers will act as co-location partners; and key technology players such as Sun Microsystems will provide systems infrastructure enabling easy replication of StorageASP’s open system storage utility offering.

Sun is helping to drive the service provider model, and StorageASP is well positioned to meet the growing need for outsourced storage solutions, said Bill Cook, vice president of Sun’s Global Network Storage Sales. Sun has been working in league with StorageASP at its interoperability lab in Toronto, sharing industry expertise with the StorageASP engineers. We look forward to working closely with StorageASP in the future at Internet Data Centers throughout North America.

StorageASP is a data protection Application Service Provider [ASP], rather than a simple Storage Service Provider [SSP], as it develops storage management applications that allow customers to manage their data assets remotely. In addition to becoming a Sun Elite Service Provider, StorageASP is working towards obtaining SunTone(sm) certification.

As an Elite member of Sun’s Service Provider program, StorageASP will work with Sun to present customers with solutions that provide the reliability and manageability required to support mission-critical services of enterprises within the Internet Data Centers. StorageASP’s Elite status indicates that it has made a significant level of commitment to Sun’s product line and programs as well as a major investment in its own infrastructure to enhance operating efficiency and grow top-line revenues.

The SunTone Certification and Branding Program helps customers identify service providers that meet the high levels of service readiness, competency and capacity demanded for Internet services. Other benefits include joint business development, sales support training, priority lead referrals, and associated marketing and sales benefits of theSunTone Certification and Branding Program.