The growing number of laptops in circulation and increased reliance on mobile technology has created a unique challenge for government agencies that must keep confidential data secure. In addition to mobile concerns, government agencies also have to contend with increased complexity from the convergence of voice, video and data traffic that result from today’s web-enabled environments.

According to Stonesoft, its StoneGate Security Platform provides the tools that allow these government agencies to better manage this complexity and reduce the risks and costs of downtime.

Network security is incredibly complex and continuously evolving. For the government sector in particular, it’s critical to manage this complexity to ensure the integrity of the information flowing throughout the network, said Scot Anderson, IT consultant and a general partner of Securixx. Network security solutions, like those from Stonesoft, are helping these companies get a handle on the information flowing through their networks so they are better equipped to prevent security breaches from happening.

Securixx, a certified vendor to the General Services Administration (GSA), will provide the StoneGate Multi-Link VPN, firewall and intrusion prevention systems appliances, along with professional services to the GSA for the upcoming government buying season.