Franco Italian semiconductor manufacturer STMicroelectronics NV will extend its superintegrated single-chip PC product range today, with a device for applications such as gaming consoles, information kiosks and thin client and POS terminals. The new product is called STPC Industrial (previous versions are called Client and Consumer) and combines a fifth-generation PC core with support logic for peripherals and interfaces, including a display controller TFT panels and a Cardbus/PCMCIA interface. The plan is to price the new device, for volume sales, at under $40, thereby enabling manufacturers incorporating it into their systems to price them at under $100. ST said the STPC Industrial is fully compatible with the x86 architecture and supports a wide range of operating systems, including Windows CE, 3.1, 95, 998, NT, QNX, Linux, DOS and Java PC. The product will begin shipping in the first quarter of 1999.