The new self-diagnostic software has been approved by the VDE testing and certification institute, a German association for electrical, electronic and information technologies. The company claims that it is the first semiconductor manufacturer to receive this certification for routines based on 32-bit microcontroller (MCU).

The software library is available free of charge from the company on request and includes a safe-boot sequence and self-diagnostic modules for the CPU, non-volatile memory, RAM and the clock frequency. It also embeds safety-related hardware, including dual internal watchdogs and fail-safe clock circuitry.

The company’s STM32F103 ‘Performance’ line, with 72MHz clock frequency, provides 32-bit MCU performance, while the STM32F101 ‘Access’ line, with 36MHz clock frequency, provides 16-bit MCU performance.

Earlier this month, STMicroelectronics also launched the STM32 PerformanceStick, a development package to introduce the features and capabilities of the STM32 flash MCU family. In October 2007, it launched evaluation and development kits for the MCU from third-party tool suppliers such as Hitex and IAR.

Source: ComputerWire daily updates