According to Stewart, with the new integration of Stewart Agency Technology and SoftPro, a real estate closing and title insurance software, it is efficient for title agencies using SoftPro to do business with Stewart.

The features of the new application include: increased efficiency where access to files is quick, which manages multiple policies within a single file through one screen, and which centrally maintains policy issuance information; and decreased workload where the policy number automatically updates within SoftPro file, auto calculates underwriter remittance and by sending policies automatically to proper policy reporting system.

In addition, the new application also simplify forms management by voiding policies from within the title production system, editing and previewing each policy prior to assignment of policy number and archiving policies as PDFs and reprint policy forms.

George Houghton, executive vice president of Agency Services Group at STGC, said: “If title agencies use SoftPro, they can now enjoy direct access to Stewart policies previously accessible only through STEPS, Stewart Title Electronic Policy System, allowing new levels of productivity when producing title policies.

The Stewart Agency Technology enables SoftPro users to increase efficiency, automate various parts of workflow and better manage forms.