The Gentran Integration Suite (GIS) 4.3 release is planned for October 2007 and will support Chemical Industry Data Exchange, Petroleum Industry Data Exchange, Open Applications Group and the Global Upstream Supply Initiative.

GIS, a multi-enterprise integration platform, provides the interoperability required to adapt IT infrastructure to changing market conditions. GIS enables companies to reduce the cost, time, risk and complexity of integration projects spanning internal and external boundaries.

David Connelly, CEO of Open Applications Group, said: The Open Applications Group is committed to driving down integration costs by removing the barriers to interoperability in business-to-business (B2B) and application-to-application (A2A) integration across various industries on a global scale. Solution providers, such as Sterling Commerce, play a key role in enabling this interoperability in supply chains across the globe.

Chris Johnson, vice president of product management, B2B, for Sterling Commerce, added: Sterling Commerce has long been an industry leader in support of the various B2B standards required to enable customers to realize the business and technical benefits of integration between business partners. By supporting a wide variety of standards, GIS enables customers to quickly and efficiently adapt to ever-changing requirements in order to support their businesses.