Stentor, the consortium of regional Canadian phone companies, and Kodak Canada have formed an alliance to transmit digital images over the telephone network, private data networks, and local networks, Newsbytes reports. As a result, the Kodak Picture Exchange service recently launched in the US (CI No 2,308) will be available in Canada early this year, enabling those that use stock photos to look for the pictures they need on-line and have only their final choices delivered in physical form. Others will also be able to send and receive photos by wire. The financial sector is showing interest in using the technology to transmit images of cheques and other financial documents and business training, tele-medicine, and document image systems are other potential applications. It will be possible to transmit and receive photos using a 9,600bps modem over an ordinary telephone line, or for those that need faster service, using dedicated switched 56Kbps or Integrated Services Digital Network lines. A photo the size of a 35mm slide would take four or five seconds to transmit and the largest image the system will handle, a 3 by 4 design proof, would take 20 to 30 seconds via 9,600bps modem. The Picture Exchange will arrange with stock photo suppliers to provide on-line access to their photo libraries. After viewing photos online, users can place an electronic order for those they want and the stock suppliers will then contact the customers directly. The cost will be the equivalent of $60 per hour for connect time, plus $6.45 for each design proof image downloaded. Image providers may add a surcharge for design proofs downloaded. Downloading thumbnail images will be free except for connect-time charges, with no monthly minimum charge. Costs exclude fees payable to the owner of the image for use in a publication.