New data from UCAS shows that while more women than men are attending university, fewer are undertaking STEM subjects.

The figures revealed that in the last year of university admissions, 20,300 more men entered ‘Engineering’ courses and 17,300 more men entered ‘Computer Science’.

Meanwhile, 10,000 more women than men entered ‘Creative Arts and Design’, ‘Education’ and ‘Social Studies’. The most female-dominated subject area was ‘Subjects allied to Medicine’, attracting 32,200 more women than men.

Sarah Eccleston, Director, Enterprise Networks and Internet of Things, Cisco UKI, commented: "In the next 5 years the IT industry will provide 500,000 jobs, it is imperative that we are therefore positioning jobs in technology, for both female and male students, as an opportunity to engineer the future, and not just as a job in engineering."

"The emergence of the Internet of Everything and innovations in areas such as wearable technology are changing what a job in IT actually means. Whatever your passion, technology is increasingly going to be a part of it."

The data highlights that efforts to increase female participation in the sciences still have some ways to go. The report commented that these patterns had remained consistent in every cycle between 2008 and 2014.

"We are making great progress in inspiring young females into jobs in technology and science, but the most recent UCAS figures show we need to do more," Eccleston added.

"We need to keep educating students, parents and teachers alike about the opportunities STEM skills unlock, or we will face a constant struggle for female talent. Together, we all have a role to play if we’re to persuade young people that a career in technology truly is a world of opportunities. It won’t happen overnight, but it will be worth waiting for."