The solution includes Oracle’s enterprise taxation management software that can enable revenue management authorities to improve the revenue collection and billing processes, while responding to federal regulatory changes.

Capgemini, in collaboration with Oracle, will modernize the systems necessary to conduct employer contributions, constituent benefits claims, eligibility determination and benefits payments.

Under the contract, Capgemini will deliver a solution to help improve DETR processes to adjudicate claims efficiently and accurately, deliver timely payment of benefits to claim applicants and increase the visibility and integrity of the amounts and durations of the payments.

Larry Mosley, director at Nevada DETR, said: “Higher unemployment, combined with changes in federal legislation, has impacted our ability to keep up with operations and technology changes associated with tax and revenue management and compliance. Working collaboratively with Capgemini on this new solution will address these challenges so the DETR can better streamline operations, reduce costs and better serve the citizens of Nevada.

Joe Moye, CEO of Capgemini Government Solutions, said: “Capgemini provides leading practices and experience to improve DETR’s Unemployment Insurance processes with resources from across our consulting and technology disciplines.

Our collective goal in working with the state of Nevada is to improve their revenue and benefits management systems, while achieving an overall lower cost of technology operations. Our approach, combined with our deep knowledge of state and local municipalities, can enable the DETR to swiftly implement changes to expand the department’s services and programs for the citizens of Nevada.”