Standard Platforms Holdings Plc has reported a year-end pre-tax loss of UKP584,302 on UKP1.5m turnover. The figures appear to be disappointing but Standard Platforms is a start-up company, and the chairman, Peter Stevens, say that the group’s operations in the US and UK are becoming established as planned, and poised to take advantage of a future economic recovery. At the time of flotation in October 1990, the company indicated that it was trading at a loss due to the high development costs of its optical file servers and the costs associated with establishing a US arm, San Diego-based Docufile. However, the loss was also caused by a number of systems orders that could not be installed before March 31, the year-end. Standard Platforms reports that it did win a few notables during the last 12 months, not least of which was with Colonial Mutual Life Assurance which implemented a Datasafe optical file server on an ICL DRS 6000.