Sun Microsystems Computer Co has teamed up with Starlight Networks Inc, Mountain View, California to create a Sparc-based corporate video server combining the NetWare-based StarWorks video networking software with Sparcservers running Solaris Unix. StarWorks for Solaris video server is claimed to support video-on-demand services from a standard enterprise server and co-reside with other network services such as Network File System, and database and other applications, where the iAPX-86 version of StarWorks requires a dedicated 80486 processor.StarWorks for Solaris also runs on Sparcstation clients and includes Starlight’s StarWorks Interface to Movie, enabling developers to create video applications for the Solaris; it interoperates with all other clients supported by StarWorks: MS-DOS, Windows and Macintosh. The video server is due in November, with the initial version supporting only uniprocessors; multiprocessor versions are planned for spring 1995. StarWorks-12M supports up to 10 users at 1.2Mbps for $8,750; StarWorks-25M supports up to 20 users for $15,000 and StarWorks-50M supports up to 40 at $25,000, all at the 1.2Mbps speed. StarWorks users can upgrade to Solaris for $875 for StarWorks-12M; $1,500 for 25M; and $2,500 for 50M.