John Phillips, chairman of AB Electronic Products Group Plc became Sir John Phillips over the weekend, the highest Birthday Honour conferred on anyone from the computer industry – no life peerages for the sector this year. However three CBEs, eight OBEs and two MBEs were awarded to industry notables bringing the total number of honours awarded to 14, four more than in 1989. Hewlett-Packard UK chairman David Baldwin, Professor Cyril Hilsum, director of research at GEC Plc and Eric Howe, of the Data Protection Registrar were made Commanders of the British Empire. Ex-STC Plc technical director, Michael Coupland, Bryan Sheppard, programme director at Marconi Defence Systems, and director of corporate relations at Philips Electronics Cedric Foot have been awarded OBEs. Also in this catergory is the managing director at Racal-Mesl, Malcolm McSwan, William Ritchie of the material and components research divison at British Telecommunications, general manager of traffic at Siemens Plessey Controls Derek Hornby, Frank Scutt, director of information systems at the Dental Practice Board, and David Fairbairn, group managing director of James Martin Associates, the consultancy and software group. Alan Mordain, chairman of Quality Software Products Ltd has been awarded an MBE for his services to export, and Neil Macpherson, lately senior personnel officer at Ferranti Defence Systems completes the list. Hearty congratulations to all.