Standard Microsystems Corp, Hauppauge, New York has announced a new Fast Ethernet strategy – dubbed SMC Connect 100 – based around a new line of hubs, stackable hubs, switches and adapter boards. The TigerStack 100 line of stackable hubs are claimed to feature the first fully integrated Switch Module on the market, giving up to four segments of Fast Ethernet switching within the stack itself, thus eliminating the need for an external switch. Each stack is fully segmentable into up to 16 Fast Ethernet segments per stack, and scalable up to 1.6Gb of aggregate bandwidth. Also available is the TigerSwitch 100, offering eight ports of Fast Ethernet communications with support for both cut-through and store-and-forward switching. Finally, there is the EZ Hub 100, which can be used stand-alone or cascaded in pairs, and three new Fast Ethernet PCI network boards for single-channel-TX, dual-channel-TX and single-channel T4 local network access, under the EtherPower 10/100 brand name. The products are shipping this month and next.