It said rolling out EMC’s Captiva InputAccel and Dispatcher software to its Edinburgh headquarters has already brought operational cost savings and efficiencies and has helped staff respond faster to customers. The software works with the company’s existing scanning and workflow systems to automatically identify, classify, and direct incoming letters, orders, and other correspondence to the correct department.

Standard Life said it will now roll out the system across the business to ease the drain on time and resources caused by having to direct a million pieces of mail a year to the right internal department.

This recognition technology will allow us to route a large proportion of documents, applications and sales orders automatically instead of staff having to look at the document on screen and decide where it goes, said Gerry Timoney, change consultant, Standard Life.

The company said automating up to 90% of its document and business processes will also help it comply more easily with regulatory requirements, as well as have a better handle on its customer correspondence.