According to Kathy Owen, Vice President of Systems Development for UnumProvident, Staffware’s workflow solutions initially will be implemented to capture best practices.

After an exhaustive analysis and review of the leading workflow solutions, UnumProvident has made a major 11,000 seat investment in Staffware as its workflow solution in order to deliver on corporate-wide strategic initiatives the company will roll out over the next quarter, said Owen. Eliminating expensive operational costs and providing greater customer services are core objectives of UnumProvident and we’re confident Staffware’s solutions will enable us to achieve this goal, without compromising our standards or professional integrity.

Bill Quintrell, Assistant Vice President of Enterprise Technology for UnumProvident, further identified the insurance company’s primary business drivers, which will be deployed by Staffware.

Staffware will enable us to ensure enterprise-wide consistency and quality levels and eliminate non-value added tasks, he said.

Quintrell also recognized the key advantages to retain Staffware as its automated workflow solutions provider, including the company’s fast implementation, rich functional capabilities, proven scalability of performance, assured enterprise-wide integration and leveraged experience and development investment.

Kuljit Bawa, President and Chief Executive Officer of Staffware Corporation, explains how Internet technology is revolutionizing the finance and insurance industries and how Staffware can play an integral role within workflow processes.

As the market becomes more sophisticated, it is imperative for insurers to distinguish themselves from competitors, said Bawa. Insurance firms are finding aggressive avenues to implement new ideas quickly for maximum effectiveness. Delivering new products with a speed-to-market sensitivity and embracing emerging technologies forces a fast response from IT departments. Ultimately, Staffware is providing value to UnumProvident by eliminating and reducing the need for redundant paper processing. Our insurance solutions will propel UnumProvident processes into key strategic advantages among competitors. We are pleased to implement the technology that places UnumProvident in an even stronger position in the marketplace.