Staffware Plc has signed a deal with electronic signature manufacturer PenOp Ltd to enable Staffware’s workflow software users to sign documents electronically. PenOp’s technology includes a hand-writing scanner about the size of a post-it note, which charts the line and speed of a user’s signature.

The partnership will enable Maidenhead, UK-based Staffware to mine a new market, financial institutions which require authorization electronically to create accurate and accountable audit chains to monitor business processes. Staffware has built systems for these type of firms, and already derives over half of its total revenue from the financial sector, but says the partnership will make its software and services far cheaper.

The firm’s competition in the workflow market, Filenet and Eastman, do not have their own digital signature technology, which should give Staffware an advantage, according to Staffware’s product manager Stephen Partridge.

The combined software retails at around 1,000 pounds per seat ($1,656) although this could come down to 700 pounds ($1,159) with bulk purchases. Average contract sizes are for more than 500 seats. Staffware has between 1,700 and 2,200 customers, who will be the first target market.