They’re calling it the St Valentine’s Day Massacre at The Source information service in McLean, Virginia, where about 30 of the 100 employees were shocked to get their pink slips on February 14, reports Newsbytes: there had been rumours, but we had no advance notice, said Tim McClain, former manager of documentation for The Source – it was clear out your desk by the end of the day; Source chief executive Mike Sears told the newswire that the major cuts came in the Source’s newsroom where several features, including Bizdate, were eliminated from the on-line service, as was Source sports news – We didn’t get enough customer loyalty to those products, he said; speculation is that The Source is leaving the consumer-oriented on-line business and is being shopped to, among others, Data America Inc of Vienna, Virginia, a packet switching start-up with a number of ex-Source staffrs on its 70-plus payroll; Sears had no comment, saying only that The Source is reducing its rolls to make the company economically sound, and to position ourselves for new strategic efforts that will be different from what we’ve done in the past – it’s safe to say that we intend to build future information products aimed at relatively narrowly scoped vertical markets.