WebSpy Analyzer from the London-based internet and email monitoring company provides a variety of reporting and analysis tools that can be used to monitor and summarize the web traffic going through a Microsoft firewall.

ISA Server 2000 stems from the Microsoft Proxy Server and is slowly evolving into a full-featured web-caching and firewall server that includes several core security functions such as intrusion-detection capabilities and bandwidth control.

Microsoft has ISA agreements with a number of ISVs including intrusion detection vendor Internet Security Systems Inc over its RealSecure for ISA Server product, and Symantec Corp which has released a product to provide anti-virus protection and repair for HTTP, FTP and SMTP traffic server through ISA Server. The ISA product also integrates with Trend Micro Inc’s anti-virus software, and is compatible with the latest version of SuperScout Web Filter software from internet filtering company SurfControl Plc.

WebSpy’s ISA Integrated Solution is priced at about $2,000. Formerly Livingstone Group Ltd, WebSpy diversified into security software in July 1999 when it acquired Perth, Australia-based Netlink Pty Ltd.

Source: Computerwire